top of page

"In a way, it's easier to frivolous individuals, and requires less responsibility,

to describe with words nonexistent things than existing ones, but with respectful

and conscientious historian happens just the opposite: there´s nothing to flee of

the description in words, and that´s more required to men, than things that have

no real appearance and whose existence can not be proved, but that, precisely

because to respectful and conscientious individuals the deal as existing

things are taken to take another step toward being the possibility of

being born." Sayings of Albertus Secundus. 


Personal Melgacian (including careeristic) life has always been a challenge

t(even) researchers. Echoing the stance of some in art history, he´s still

those who believe that an artistis his creations. That's why he gives no information

- I emphasizing the following word - b-i-o-graphical, or when he gives statements,

according to O.M. - in all his instigating iconoclasm -, are false. And always tries

to modify them. (Is there a more artistic act than this?) Ask what we want to know

and he´ll respond but never will say the truth. The truth (his truth) is the very Work.

the melgacian bio-g-r-a-p-h-y: s-p-e-l-l his life is the s-p-e-l-l-i-n-g of its Art."


(Celina Vivacqua; journalist and cultural producer. Born in the city of Belo Horizonte,

Minas Gerais / Brazil; currently resides in Lisbon, Portugal)


prelude > In order to absorb news, vehicularities,

references, releases, curiosities et cetera

on O.M.,

visit the following page.



f u l l  d i s c o g r a p h y


{You can hear all

the phonograph albums

as well as read reviews here

Also are available for purchase}

C o n t e m p o r a r y




Omnia Vincit Amor 



Codex Gigas / Codex Seraphinianus 

Konzertstück für Rasputin - Sieben Sätzse für Orgel, Schlagzeug und Percussion 

Ok Ragas por la Komenco de Tempoj 

ヒッグス粒子 (EP) 

SteamPunk (EP) 

Stendhals Syndrom (EP) 


το τραγούδι των σειρήνων - 7  G i n o p e d i e s 

OBLUZ [A Brazilian Rhapsody] 

Dos Cânticos de Maldoror 

ROSÁRIO [Tombeau d´Arthur Bispo] 

Bodas Del Amor Oscuro [A Spanish in the Works] 

Serenìsima Venexia [Capriccio per la Dominante] 

圖騰 [12 Cosmopolieder] 

メタボリズム / Metaborizumu [Pieces for Vibraphone, Voices and

Broken Glass] 

Brenn And 

OCA [Otacílio Melgaço and The Mahashiva Orchestra] 

Serendipity or In Praise of Sleep 

A f r e e k a 

Tanzt Karl Tanzt! 


N a d j a / Les Champs Magnétiques de L´Immaculée Conception 

Mauritia Flexuosa - 11 pieces for viola caipira transubstanciated 

Procissão Nordestiça 

JaXperience - pieces for double + electric bass and drums 

Sexus Plexus Nexus | The Rosy Noise for Guitar 

Onze Arabescos para Diadorim 

Entelékheia - dix berceuses à Aristote comme un enfant 

En dansant la Javanaise 

Sonata "Sempiterna" - for strings and percussion 

Aurora Boreal / Aurora Austral - Otacílio Melgaço & HoniG Stahl Orchester 

Говорите, пожалуйста, медленнее 

Pipiripau - 3 fantasies for organ 

Saturnalia - Six Pieces for Harpsichord 

راه ابریشم 

Gætiru sýnt mér á kortinu? - Pieces for Percussion

& Electronics 

Black Box 


Hemmet av Isak Jacobi 


Zwanzig Fugen für Aracy Moebius de Carvalho Guimarães Rosa 

On Contrapuntal Glenn Street 



Sonata "Errática" 

Mons Sancti Michaeli in periculo mari - Short Pieces for Rhodes Piano 

Kunst Kabinett 


"X" - O.M. & CadavreXquis Ensemble 

Golden Ratio 

Diegesis Triptych - Piece I _ Nêmesis 

Diegesis Triptych - Piece II _ Sursis 

Diegesis Triptych - Piece III _ Catártis 

Live From The Red Carpet 

Jouissance - Piano Works 

Misophonia - Vol. 1 

Misophonia - Vol. 2 

Pompeii - Solo Cellos Piece

Delirium Tremens 

Mazeppa - An Equestrian Passacaglia 


Make Do and Mend 

entartete Kunst 

Untitled Piece # 11 


Le Taj Mahal Noir [Otacílio Melgaço and The Mahashiva Orchestra] 

Camouflage - Klangfarbenmelodie für Flávio de Carvalho 

The Modern Prometheus 

Besouro Mangangá 

Sede Vacante - Liturgical Piece For Recorder Solo 


Camara Oscura 

ECLIPSE - Otacílio Melgaço & HoniG Stahl Orchester 

Capriccio for El Eazar 

Das Glasperlenspiel 


Trompe​-​l'œil / A Sci​-​Fi Experience 


Cortile Dei Gentili 

Shruti Madrigal 


"O Círculo Imperfeito" - O.M. & CadavreXquis Ensemble  

L'Enfer d'H.-G.C. 

Abyssal Zone 


Beethovens Taubheit 

Eretto in Memoria (Cantata Spirituale) _ Dittico

- I - Esodo 

Eretto in Memoria (Cantata Spirituale) _ Dittico

- II - Combustione Spontanea 

Baldaquino - Sarabande for Pipe Organ & Clavichord 

Cornu Copiae (Oratorio) 

Struldbrugs (Pastorale) 

Mükemmel Döngüsü Suite 

Oxymoron (Concerto pour Ondes Martenot

et Quatuor à Cordes) 

Musicophilia or Seeing Voices: A Journey Into The Land Of The Deaf (Entr'Act To Oliver Wolf Sacks) 

Psicastenia Legendária 

Spiritual Graffiti 

Mano a Mano 

Prawie Zerowy (Nocturnus guided by Voices

and Daedalian Tuba) 



Totem - Five Impromptus For Piano 

с о н я ш н и к и (Recitative for L​ista​) 

Michelet - Fantaisie avec Guitare Électrique

pour Monsieur J​.​M. 


tower of silence


L'Autre Côté Du Vent 


When Blue Turns Gould

Coup De​.​.​.​Maître - Tombeau Pour Pierre Boulez


Triptych of Singles - ECO / duke / lacaz

Galápagos - A Mellotronic Suite

Taboo & Totem 


Elektric Marienbad

K a s p a r  H a u s e r - Piece for Strings


D a n d e l i o n - Experimental Indo Jazz Music

"Tree House" - Otacílio Melgaço & CadavreXquis Ensemble

M - der Vampir von Düsseldorf

Troubadour - Quatro Peças para Violão 

Six Degrees of Separation 

C h i r p

Salon des Refusés - Concerto pour Percussion, Orgue, Flûte et Cordes


M is for Music, Mozart, Mystery, Melgaço, Mankind - Piece for Strings & Choral

Legião Estrangeira 




Le Monde Codifié - Pièces pour Piano Préparé 

A Lua vem da Ásia

Le Sexe de Dada

Château de Lacoste

O n k a l o - Eskatoteleologinen Odyssey

I Would Prefer Not To or 3′44″ (s i n g l e)

Prisme Noir - Otacílio Melgaço et L'Anus Solaire Projet

dial 'M' for

Defeated By Silence, Here Is A Place Where The Silence Is More Subtle Unvanity Case Singles Series | Zodiak Free Arts Lab

Unvanity Case Singles Series | Le Bateau​-​Lavoir

Unvanity Case Singles Series | Organisation für Kernforschung

Unvanity Case Singles Series | Lapa Nova de Maquiné

Unvanity Case Singles Series | Village Vanguard

Unvanity Case Singles Series | L'Église Métropolitaine d'Art de Esotérik Satie Conducteur

Unvanity Case Singles Series | ISS

Unvanity Case Singles Series | Chelsea Hotel #8

The Trumpets Of Jericho - Liturgical Piece For Wind Instruments

Trommeln in der Nacht - Konzertstück für Percussion

Psychoacoustics - Eleven studies on the unheard​-​of

Le Nom de la Rrose Sélavy - Pataphysique Pièce pour Voix, Machine à Coudre, Parapluie, Percussion, Piano, Bols Chantants et Tanpuri


De Humani Corporis Fabrica

Sonata "Selenita"

A Török - Concertino for Toy Piano


Train Fantôme - In Celebration of the 130th Anniversary

of the Birth of Villa​-​Lobos -




Période Vache




Wall of Sound

Ars Subtilior

Deus Ex Machina


WERTHER EFFECT - ARPsychedelic Project

Chiaroscuro - Piece for String Orchestra

Domus Aurea

E n t o u r age

Notes of a Native Man Suite

Dark Ambient



TUTUGURI (Pieza sónica para Piano, Efectos Electrónicos, Tambura, Gongo, Percusión y Artaudiana Voz)

Tолкование Cновидений |Спящая красавица|

The Alexandria Quartet


Rosebud |furniturambient music| 



Antífona Brumariana (Peça para Coral e Órgão)

Beethovens Taubheit |The Outtakes| - Celebrating the 250th Anniversary of Ludwig van Beethoven's Birth -

SI​.​VM E​.​T AV​.​VM

The Ninth Wave

SALOMÉ (Piece for Female Choir)

L´Apparato Umano

Vitrea Pompei (Pezzo per Organo e Percussioni)

En Hibernant à 's​-​Hertogenbosch

MISSISSOL​-​REMILÁ (Divertimento para Pífanos, Zabumba, Triângulo, Carrilhões, Contrabaixos Acústicos, Brinquedos e Crianças)


COELORUM PERRUPIT CLAUSTRA (Astrumpsalmī for Transfigured Bassoons)

花見 (Abloometropolitanippastorale Suite)

Kunstwegen (Piece for solo Accordion)

V O I G T - K A M P F F (Cuatro​-​O​-​Cinco KAMPFF-VOIGTANGOS)

Physarum Polycephalum

Maloja Snake or Variations on Gluck | Mélodie (from Orfeo ed Euridice)

When I Am Laid In Earth 


Rêveries Diurnes


E Che Sospiri La Libertà!






TARANTISMO (on Johann Sebastian Bach´s Toccata and Fugue in D Minor)

ÉCOUTE RÉDUITE | ÉCOUTE ÉTENDUE (on Richard Wagner´s Tristan und Isolde, Prelude & Ludwig van Beethoven´s 7th symphony, 2nd movement)

Pet Shop Beuys [>>This album is part of the launch of the eBook <<Furious Sphinx [THE MOST AUDIBLE TRANSFERAL OF A DEAFENING Æ N I G M A]>>, which deals with the Melgacian sound universe through multiple constellations of viewpoints (Nicolette Michalla, Laetitia Reboul, Denismar do Nascimento, Sílvia Maria Vilarejo, Caio Campbell, Pablo S. Paz and, last but not least, Azusa Seyama). It can be downloaded for free by means of the following link.<<] 

G E S U A L D O - Profano Madrigale - 

Tracks, Trails & Traces - For Dance, Film & Theatre, Selected Works -

FARNESE- Assemblage Para Transubstanciadas Guitarras - 

Penderecki's Garth 


Ad Iugum Tamen Suave Transeo (Melgacian Variations on a Theme of orff) TINTINNABULA​.​C​.​T​.​I​.​O​.​N. 

La Prochaine Peau (Pi​è​ce Sonique pour Synth​é​tiseur, Percussion, Clarinette Bass , Sifflement et R​é​citation) 

Pavane Pour Une Infante Ressuscit​é​e (MELGACIAN Variations on a Theme of RAVEL)

Delphic Delphinus (MELGACIAN Variations on a Theme of BARBER) BATAILLEMACHINE

Estetica Del S​-​i​-​l​-​e​-​n​-​z​-​i​-​o 

I.C.O.M. [partnership of O.M. with the Belgian multidisciplinary artist

Ine Claes]


Mio Mistero Non È Più Chiuso In Me, Mio Bacio Scioglierà Il Silenzio (MELGACIAN Variations on a Theme of PUCCINI)

Concertino in O´ Maggiore per Arpa e Nitroglicerina

G l a s m a l e r (MELGACIAN Variations on a Theme of MAHLER)

Le Sacre Du Ph​œ​nix ou Enchant​é​e Par l'Oiseau de Feu, Danse-Rituelle [melGACIAN Variations on a Theme of STRAVINSKY)



EKLIR - The Rilkean Projekt - {Otac​í​lio Melga​ç​o & Beljana Metje}

S y m p h o n y

Akhenaton Symphony 

The "N" Symphony 

Burle Marx Symphony 

Klink Symphony 

Salgado Symphony 


Goeldi Symphony 

Hilst Symphony 

Lispector Symphony 


агитпроп Sinfonietta




O p e r a

Il Theatro della Memoria (NeoGrand Ópera in 7 Acts) 


Language is a Virus (A Tragicomic Operetta in One Act)



M a s s

Missa solemnis ouropretana (Aleijadinho, Descendit de cælis) 

Requiem pour Hô Chi Minh (Concrètélectronique Liturgie) 

ICONOSTASIS - Otacílio Melgaço & HoniG Stahl Orchester



S o u n d  P o e t r y

Bloomsday (Homage to James Joyce)

Auto Do Deus-Menino (Homage to William Blake)


S o u n d t r a c k s ( B a l l e t, C i n e m a, e t c )

Mort Peut Danser 


Schiaparelli (Humoresque Pour Un Ballet Surréaliste) 

フリーフォール [Free Fall​ |​ Queda Livre] Soundtrack |​-​| Koan

Dance Company


Jerusalien (URIZEN: Original Graphic Novel Soundtrack) 



P o p u l a r  B r a z i l i a n


O Nome Do Rosa 


I n s t r u m e n t a l  B r a z i l i a n

Veredas Mortas

Madame Satã


M e l t i n g  P o p

Du Spirituel Dans L'art (Der Blaue Reiter - Melgaço's Music Project

/ CdI Bauhaus / CdII De Stijl) 

Música Para Camaleões (Stabat Mater Afro)

OMFUG! | Other Music For Uplifting Gormandizers - A Tribute to David Bowie

Never Mind the Molochs

Circus-Museum (Avant-Folk)

Island In The Moon / These boots are made for divin´ ("Baal Des Quat'z'arts" - Experimental Art-Rock)

High Brazil, vol. 10 by Chico Dub (check here)

Útero Que Encerra Áurea Era - Triptych

Gêmeos De Cocteau (Collectanea)




OM<>Boîte-en-valise (Box in a Valise)


+ Melgaço is responsible for both (1) Sound Engineering

- and, as is wont to designate ´Metarquitetura sonorosa´

(´Sonic Metarchitecture´) - as (2) the art design of his records.



* on August 13, 2018, it was released the Ebook  


+ reinterpretations + Reinventions Of

the OTACÍLIO MELGAÇO Discography].

by Mel-Em-Branca Pub Co., In its entirety, a deluxe publication with 3410 pages (three thousand four hundred and ten); 15 with inedited photos. Encompassing 201 (two hundred and one) O.M. albums, through an interdisciplinary and exuberant exegetical vision. In addition to in-depth notes by the duo of curators, there is an introductory essay by the Iranian philosopher and musician OMAR MEHREGAN, especially engendered for this monumental Work. Authors: PABLO SUAREZ PAZ & CAIO CAMPBELL


* * on November 9, 2018, it was the turn of the digital (Maga)Zine, Θevrumineś. 

bilingual (Portuguese-English), with 444 pages: a compiling of

essays, articles, reviews, quotes, iconography ... focused on

the exuberantly plentiful Work of Melgaço.


* * * on November 20, 2019; the Second Issue, with 796 pages.


* * * * On March 26, 2021; the third Issue, with 459 pages.


All publications are Available on Amazon Books (Kindle Store) for appreciation and purchase or if you prefer, please contact the author / Mel-em-Branca Pub Co. directly through the following email:


D r a m a t u r g y


"T r i l o g y - I"




Anatomia de um Enigma


Respectively bring references and do obeisance to the Greek Theatre,

the Elizabethan and modern - this, dedicated to Samuel Beckett. The first trilogy received translation into German of Curt Meyer-Clason. Some of the most important Brazilian authors were moved to the German language by Herr Meyer-Clason, as Machado de Assis, Clarice Lispector, Carlos Drummond de Andrade and Manuel Bandeira João Cabral de Melo Neto. He

was particularly known as a translator of João Guimarães Rosa.


[plus] Will be exposed excerpts (original copies) of

the correspondence that took place between CM-C. and O.M.

In one of the letters exchanged by both physical (connection Munich - Belo Horizonte), in opinion of the illustrious translator about Melgacian drama, Curt stated the following verbatim: "(...) I am sure I read something convincingly current and auspicious: drama, apparently static, but a dynamic intimately (dramatization) unsurpassed. Congratulations to your genius for inventiveness, theatricality and understanding of

(if not THE) issue of our ´existential today´."]


read some fragments (in Portuguese)

"T r i l o g y - II" (a.k.a.

´La Sangre Es Más Dulce Que La Miel´) -


A Vida

Os Pobres na Praia

Os Saltimbancos


(Melgaço flirts with Pablo Picasso in his second dramaturgical triptych.)

"Stabat Mater"

(Based on poems - transplanted from Spanish to Portuguese by OM. -

of Santa Teresa D'Avila)

>>The entire dramaturgical work of O.M. was published and,

in Portuguese, available for purchase on amazon books. If you prefer, please contact the author directly: here.<<


[PLUS] Engenders Theory (to unfold thereafter as Method) for his

"Theatre Ecstatic" ©




F i l m o g r a p h y


Le Guide des Perplexes  


filmic Experiment coming to light in the post-adolescent artist with tarkovskyan and bergmanian influences.

Short film / 16 mm -, scripted and directed by Melgaço, was exhibited

(April 1994) in Usina Banco Nacional de Cinema (Belo Horizonte / MG).

Free inspiration in Maimonides.


check out some stills.



V i d e o g r a p h y


V i d e o  A r t


´FRACTAL´ series

sob a sua letra 'M'
oppressive Uninvisibility
Stanzas for Music
Il N'y Aura
Paranoia Oder Verwunderung?
Anechoic Chamber Music
vertical Pier


Furthermore, several video clips and teasers.


Watch here.



P h o t o g r a p h y


"Anagke Kai Chronos


Do Mel-em-Branca Aos Vergéis Encantados"

Individual exhibition from the mythical universe of the writer João Guimarães Rosa. La Brace Gallery, then located in Paraíba Street, 1279 - Savassi - Belo Horizonte/MG. Curator: Papoula Bicalho. From 07 October to 03 November / 2004. The Journal ´O Tempo´ referred to the exhibition as "pictures of ´minerian Being´ with an innuendo of supernaturality." 


see photos.


Buy the photobook which contains all the photos [besides bilingual (english-portuguese] introduction and interview): here.


"It only takes two facing mirrors to build a labyrinth." - Jorge Luis Borges

"Things outside you are projections of what's inside you, and what's inside you is a projection of what's outside. So when you step into the labyrinth outside you, at the same time you're stepping into the labyrinth inside." - Haruki Murakami

"Furthermore, we have not even to risk the adventure alone; for the heroes of all time have gone before us; the labyrinth is thoroughly known; we have only to follow the thread of the hero-path. And where we had thought to find an abomination, we shall find a god; where we had thought to slay another, we shall slay ourselves; where we had thought to travel outward, we shall come to the center of our own existence; and where we had thought to be alone, we shall be with all the world." - Joseph Campbell

When exhibited in monumental proportions throughout megalopolises, the artist casts his gaze upon conurbations and city denizens, like a kind of blasé sphinx. When through urban installations, there is a serialization

that seems to be at once mantric and sharply provocative. When he enters art galleries, the stare of the same figure, even through its ocular veil, intersects with that of the spectators, as if they were all through

a daredevil looking glass. When it is his own works and treasured objects

that project his image onto the corpolatry of the reliquaries, what

is iconic and what is emblematic merges even more. When, finally,

the portraits directly reveal the complexion of the cited and recited artist, our labyrinthine focuses, until then choreographed between kaleidoscopic fragments, form the appearance of an abducting modern minotaur, yet indecipherable in its devouring enchantment that both magnetizes and enraptures. Intersectioning mythologies, σφίγξ -

a creature with the head of a human, the body of a lion, the wings of

an eagle - and Μινώταυρος (or Asterion) - portrayed during classical antiquity with the top and tail of a bull and the frame of a person or,

as described by Roman poet Ovid, a being ´part man and part taurus´ -, ultimately, we are devoured and we devour; we are deciphered but here is

the point outside the curve: when it comes to O.M., there is still much

to be deciphered. To our de-light.

If there were a script flowing through
STUDIO 28, A PHOTOGRAPHIC ANTI-AUTOBIOGRAPHY, perhaps this would be it. As is now clear, an anti-autobiography of MELGAÇO by OTACÍLIO.

Henri Cartier-Bresson once said: ´I believe that, through the act of living, the discovery of one-self is made concurrently with the discovery of the world around us, which can mold us, but which can also be affected by us.

A balance must be established between these two worlds – the one inside

us and the one outside us. As the result of a constant reciprocal process, both these worlds come to form a single one. And it is this world that we must communicate´. This is the world that, in its allegorical extent and giving the images the stature of Melgacian effigies, STUDIO 28

(post-babelically) communicates.

There are 251 photographs, 571 pages in total, with the Foreword written by the Greek iconologist & film-maker Zephyra Zafeiris and the Afterword by the Ukrainian poet Elizae Stepanova. And furthermore, at the author's suggestion, internal links lead to some of O.M.'s albums, related to the theme of this eBook, so that they can be listened to while enjoying it.

"The desire for images resides in the anticipation of our memory and in

the optic instinct which seeks to appropriate the world's splendor”, uttered Evgen Bavčar. Otacílio Melgaço proposes this to us, to possess and equally to be possessed by the splendor of the world, his and ours. Draw with light.


You can access it here.

D a n c e
melgaço Designs theory dedicated to the world of dance and gives it

the name "Cordiographia" ®. It´s based on the deconstruction of

(the figure of) Choreographer and a plural and more interpenetrating relationship between Musician and Dancer.
in favor of sporadic presentations
, Founded in 2015,

the KOAN Dance Company.
In the same year the debut through spectacle
'Queda Livre'

(フリーフォール / Free Fall).

See the website of the Company.

And here the soundtrack.

In seven short pieces, seven cutting edge choreographers - with

the collaboration of dancers from ICK and Ballet National de Marseille - show the audience what fascinates them and moves them to the creators of dance. The performance, not unlike a laboratory, using the body as the main source of inspiration and strength. Raw to stylized, political, technological, minimalistic or expressive: 7EVEN displays the diversity of contemporary dance. The seven dancers of ICK and Ballet National de Marseille will rise to the challenge in order to capture the essence of each choreographer in every single piece. With the Canadian-Polish choreographer and performer Ula Sickle, in 2017, melgaço

makes the music for one of the short pieces, "Borrowed Time".

From such an international debut, he was invited by Fabien Prioville 

(La La La Human Steps; Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch; Fabien Prioville Dance Company) and Azusa Seyama (Ballet Austin; Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch; etc.) to compose soundtracks

especially for original spectacles (as is the case

with ´Alpha´, ´1250 Mb/s´ and ´The ZOOMOLOGISTS´).

Otacílio developed / develops several partnerships around 

the world with choreographers and dancers such as, for instance,

the french Laetitia reboul and, exponent of Butoh, Tina Besnard;

the German Beljana Metje; the Italian ORNELLA DUFAY-MIRALLES.


Featured works:

Mort peut danser


ballet du dieu mort

In celebratory tone,
on the 28th of May / 2023,
a dreamlike M
elgacian Work
comes to light embodied in an eBook:

- G H O S T
 S I C

F L E S H -
Under the aegis of Mel-em-Branca Pub Co., the Oeuvre has 287 pages, intermediated by photographs & engravings, with an Introduction by Beljana Metje - German dancer, choreographer, illustrator -.
It is an Opuscule conceptually structured as a k
aleidoscope, from which there are idiosyncratic fragments echoing polyphonic voices, both self-contained and interpenetrating. A ´spectral´ choir? Yes, we´re probably facing a conjuration of what could be called (artistically / apotheotically) 'Phantasmagoria'. But, after all, in what sense? Here there is an ethereal intersection of the figures of Tatsumi Hijikata /

Kazuo Ohno

and Otacílio Melgaço.
The Brazilian composer and multi-instrumentalist, taking the denominative perspective of <<Ghost Dance>> as a reference, brings to the public

a compositional expression that already existed beforehand in its career but that gains, from now on, such baptism: <<Ghost Music>>, an equally fluxuous concept, as one of the multifarious effigies of his polystylistic mosaic. Intertwined with Butoh - as well as surrealism, expressionism, etc. -, Melgaço proposes to us, through 蜂蜜と鋼, the sprinkling of

constitutive pollens of this sonic language that hovers over

such fresh supercalifragilisticexpialidocious release.

Plus - We can also uncover a link in that Publication to takes us to

a Sound Piece (<<KAMKAKAMI>>) created especially for this occasion.

To unveil
for free,

simply click the following link.


Side by side with other professional activities that belong to the kaleidoscope that are the careers of Otacílio Melgaço (BR) and Laetitia Reboul (FR), both also begin to develop a partnership that hovers, in essence, through the unfolding universe of music and dance. In other words, the <<MELGALAŠEK duo>> is given birth.

Here & now, the first video art based on

this rhizomatic experience,

named SÈVES.

You are all invited to embrace it and, equally,

be embraced by Laetitia and Otacílio. Be welcome:

Go deeper through the following link: here.

v i s u a l a r t s

Under the aegis of Mel-em-Branca Pub Co., on June 16 (Bloomsday), 2019,

the PhotoBook "ODYSSEUS HORIZONTALIZED", containing 145 drawings / paintings by Otacílio Melgaço, is released and made available for purchase. There are 210 pages; introduction signed by Milan Vesselovský, Czech visual artist.


The work portrays what would be a 24-hour journey through the city inhabited by O.M., Belo Horizonte, having the Ulissesian testimony

of its architecture as cartographied (and metaphorized)



available on Amazon Books (Kindle Store) for appreciation and purchase or if you prefer, please contact the author / Mel-em-Branca Pub Co. directly through the following email:


See 24 pictures, here.


Read an interview with O.M. about such imagistic work, here.

Released in October 2021, the Artbook "PAVILLON DE L´ALMA", containing 236 Paintings, Mosaics, Photos + Sculptures, Tapestries, Tiles Projects by Otacílio Melgaço. There are 274 pages; introduction signed by Anushka Lakshmi, Asiatic philosopher. "O.M., for me, has a fluidly Renaissance spirit. And so I allow myself to visit Indian mythology and say that he reminds me of some Hindu deities who have countless arms. Thus, its qualities are numerous. Multiple, plural and synergistic. In this fascinating Oeuvre in focus, between lyrical and geometric abstractionism, despite occasionally flirting with figurative art, Melgaço seems to morph forms & colors into a mysterious, sui generis Calligraphy audible." (A.L.)

available on Amazon Books (Kindle Store) for appreciation and purchase or if you prefer, please contact the author / Mel-em-Branca Pub Co. directly through the following email:


Additional Information: Mel-em-branca pub co.

U R I z e n

<<URIZEN is a Graphic Novel by Otacílio Melgaço, a Brazilian man

of culture with forays into various areas of artistic expression

such as music, dramaturgy, photography, cinema, etc.

This release is, until then, an unprecedented work, fulfilling the role

of being an Introduction to the forthcoming series. In it, we will meet

the character OTTO KAVENDISH, who interconnects with the plurality

of surreal personae, ineffable scenarios, veins and viscera of

the hamlet that gives its name to this oeuvre.

A painter of portraits and still lifes (flauto player in his exotic intimacy), he absorbs, metabolizes and reflects on the pulsating time-in-earth of this intriguing place, both as a voyeur and a  flâneur. Whether through

its ingrained interaction with the eccentric panorama of

such unsituable burgh, or athwart his memory, especially

replete with imaginations, inventions, hallucinations.

Everything happens during the dawn and dusk of a same day, May 28, 1918. Suffice it to say that we are in a frank pandemic, the so-called (a

common misnomer) Spanish flu. And, in equal measure, it is worth noting

that the globe is still experiencing the palpitation of the First World War.

In the end, when words come to the superficies, KAVENDISH writes a missive

(to a hidden personage? to himself? or to us?) in which he faces

a reality that completely transcends any waking life.

The illustrations, based on paintings by James Sidney Edouard, Baron Ensor (1860 – 1949), are interventions by Melgaço

transcreating lines & colors, in a minute - and fascinating -

process of refiguration and recontextualization.
There are 359 pages, which also include an

enlightening interview with Otacílio.


Made to be viewed more appropriately

on mobile devices, especially smartphones.
Otacílio Melgaço engendered a Soundtrack to be listened while

reading URIZEN. Elevating the dimensional reach of the Graphic

Novel to new heights. The link that takes the reader to

this sonic addendum is contained

inside the eBook.>> 

available on Amazon Books (Kindle Store), here.



There are 608 pages containing a long interview with the Brazilian multi-artist and two robust addendums that explore, still in Q&A format, enlightening (punctual) passages from Melgacian's career & work. Previously unpublished photographs are also included. here.

W e b p h o n o d e s i g n

All O.M.´s sites are architected by him.

Below, some examples of creations

and adaptations of the Artist.
I - ophicina de sons

II - ultracledalismo

III - baal des 4´z´arts


To discover a series of links related to O.M.'s career,

including thematic websites and social networks, see here.

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