Baal des Quat´z´arts

I s l a n d
i n t h e M o o n
O t a c í l i o M e l g a ç o
Zycluz Quartett
Pietrus oiticica
Indra d'Es
[participações especiais]
I Prelude 1:48 (Otacílio Melgaço)
Otacílio Melgaço - Harpa
Zycluz Quartett - Cordas
II Witch Wife 3:12 (Edna St. Vincent Millay/Otacílio Melgaço)
Otacílio Melgaço - Contrabaixo Acústico, Piano
Indra d'Es - Voz
Pietrus oiticica - Violão
She is neither pink not pale, She learned her hands in a fairy-tale, And she never will be all mine And her mouth on a valentine. She has more hair than she needs And her voice is a string of colored beads; In the sun’tis a woe to me! Or steps leading into the sea. She loves me all that she can But she was not made for any man, And her ways to my ways resign And she never will be all mine.
III She Was a Phantom of Delight 6:36 (William Wordsworth/Otacílio Melgaço)
Otacílio Melgaço - Voz
Pietrus oiticica - Violão
Zycluz Quartett - Cordas
(Gravada ao vivo em Ottawa, Canadá)
She was a Phantom of delight When first she gleamed upon my sight; A lovely Apparition, sent To be a moment’s ornament; Her eyes as stars of Twilight fair; Like Twilight’s, too, her dusky hair; But all things else about her drawn From May-time and the cheerful Dawn; A dancing Shape, an Image gay, To haunt, to startle, and way-lay. I saw her upon nearer view, A Spirit, yet a Woman too! Her household motions light and free, And steps of virgin-liberty; A countenance in which did meet Sweet records, promises as sweet; A Creature not too bright or good For human nature’s daily food; For transient sorrows, simple wiles, Praise, blame, love, kisses, tears, and smiles. And now I see with eye serene The very pulse of the machine; A Being breathing thoughful breath, A Traveller between life and death; The reason firm, the temperate will, Endurance, foresight, strength, and skill; A perfect Woman, nobly planned, To warn, to comfort, and command; And yet a Spirit still, and bright With something of angelic light.
IV Hymn to Apollo 7:16 (John Keats/Otacílio Melgaço)
Otacílio Melgaço - Voz, Guitarra, Bateria, Elementos Eletrônicos
Zycluz Quartett - Cordas
God of (the) golden bow, And of (the) golden lyre, And of (the) golden hair, And of (the) golden fire, Charioteer Of (the) patient year, Where – where slept thine ire, When like blank idiot I put on thy wreath, Thy laurel, thy glory, The light of thy story, Or was I a worm – too low crawling, for death? O Delphic Apollo! The Thunderer grasp’d and grasp’d, The Thunderer frown’d and frown’d; The eagle’s feathery mane For wrath became stiffen’d – (the) sound Of breeding thunder Went drowsily under, Muttering to be unbound. O why didst thou pity, and for a worm Why touch thy soft lute Till (the) thunder was mute, Why was not I crush’d – such a pitiful germ? O Delphic Apollo! The Pleiades were up, Watching (the) silent air; The seeds and roots in (the) Earth Were swelling for summer fare; The Ocean, its neighbor, Was as its old labour, When, who – who did dare To tie, like a madman, Thy plant round his brow, And grin and look proudly, And blaspheme so loudly, And live for that honour, to stoop to thee now? O Delphic Apollo!
EP "Island in the Moon": composições, arranjos, concepção e direção musicais, engenharia de som, arte, design:
Produção: Baal des Quat'z'arts
Gravações ocorridas em Yoknapotawpha Studio (+ canadian mobile) e Inesp/MG/Brasil
encomendas / orders: baaldes4arts@gmail.com
T h e s e B o o t s A r e
M a d e F o r D i v i n'
Lo-fi EP ( B o o t l e g s )
[ 3 or 4 Noise Ballads ]
I - Get On The Fairy Boots
[ p r e l u d e ]
Otacílio Melgaço - composição, arranjo, instrumentos, voz
Peça dedicada a Liz Fraser
II - Another Hero Or To Thomas Butts (Otacílio Melgaço/William Blake
composição, arranjo, instrumentos, voz (Elementos superpostos foram acrescidos em pós-produção): O.M.
Canção dedicada a David Bowie
“He’s another hero from empty space, He’s another hero like the rest of my race. Why was I born with a different face Why was I not born like the rest of my race When I look each one stars! When I speak I offendThen I’m silent & passive & lose every Friend Then my verse I dishonour. My pictures despise My person degrade & my temper chastise And the pen is my terror. The pencil my shame All my talents I bury, and dead is my Fame I am either too low or highly prized When Elate I am Envy’d, When Meek I’m despis’d"
III - The Little Girl Lost (Otacílio Melgaço/William Blake)
composição, arranjo, instrumentos, voz. (Elementos superpostos foram acrescidos em pós-produção): O.M.
Canção dedicada a Iggy Pop &
Nick Cave
"In futurity I prophetic see, That the earth from sleep (Grave the sentence deep) Shall arise and seek For her maker meek And the desert wild Become a garden mild. In the southern clime, Where the summers prime, Never fades away; Lovely Lyca lay. Seven summers old Lovely Lica told. She had wanderd long, hearing wild birds song. Sweet sleep come to me Underneath this tree; Do father, mother weep. ‘Where can Lyca sleep’. Lost in desert wild Is your little child. How can Lyca sleep, If her mother weep. If her heart does ake, Then let Lyca wake; If my mother sleep, Lyca shall not weep. Frowning frowning night, O’er this desert bright, Let thy moon arise, While I close my eyes. Sleeping Lyca lay; While the beasts of prey, Come from caverns deep, View’d the maid asleep The kingly lion stood and the virgin view’d, Then he gambold round O’er the hallowd ground: Leopards, tygers play, Round her as she lay; While the lion old, Bow’d his mane of gold .And her bosom lick, And upon her neck, From his eyes of flame, Ruby tears there came; While the lionessa, Loos’d her slender dress, And naked they convey’d To caves the sleeping maid."
IV - Spirits Of The Dead (Otacílio Melgaço/Edgar Allan Poe)
composição, arranjo, instrumentos & voz (Elementos superpostos foram acrescidos em pós-produção): O.M.
Stella de Sanctis - voz (Participação Especial)
Canção dedicada a Nick Drake
"Thy soul shall find itself alone ‘Mid dark thoughts of the gray tomb-stone – Not one, of all the crowd, to pry In to thine hour of secrecy: Be silent in that solitude, Which is not loneliness – for then The spirits of the dead who stood In life before thee, are again In death around thee – and their will Shall overshadow thee: be still. The night – tho’clear – shall frown – And the stars shall look not down, From their high thrones in the heaven, With light like Hope to mortals given – But their red orbs, without beam, To thy weariness shall seem As a burning and a fever Which would cling to thee for ever."
OBS.: Essa versão registra um fragmento da criação melgaciana. Originalmente, a canção (folk) abarca todo o poema de Poe. Será gravada no primeiro disco cheio (de estúdio) da banda Baal des Quat´z´arts -
"Baal | Haus"
"É com inestimável prazer que aceitamos o convite para protagonizar, ao lado de outros vinte e três nomes de destaque do cenário sônico-nacional, a décima e culminante coletânea do produtor cultural, curador, DJ e pesquisador musical carioca Chico Dub: ´Hy Brazil´.
Lançada oficialmente, a 28 de Abril de 2016, dela participamos com a faixa ´High Brasil´, uma Suíte de 8 minutos de duração engendrada exclusivamente para tal marco comemorativo e consagrador de um dos mais relevantes fronts de divulgação da arte eletrônica de nosso país no estrangeiro.
Amplexos em Mr. Dub assim como em todos os que contribuíram e contribuem para a trajetória sui generis dos 4´Arts: Pietrus Oiticica, Indra d´Es, Stella de Sanctis, Mademoiselle D.S., &tc.
Feriuntque summos fulmina montes." (Otacílio Melgaço)
>> OUça a peça sonora:
soundcloud ou bandcamp {H B) <<
Lo-fi Live ep [A-side B-side]
I Witch Wife 5:00 (Edna St. Vincent Millay/Otacílio Melgaço)
Otacílio Melgaço - arranjo, violão, voz, efeitos
Indra d'Es - voz
Pietrus Oiticica - violão
II das tagebuch 10:00 [goethe/otacílio melgaço]
Otacílio Melgaço - arranjo, guitarra, voz, pré-gravados, efeitos
Indra d'Es - clarineta
Pietrus Oiticica - violão, carrilhão
São recitados os seguintes fragmentos do poema:
"Wir hören’s oft und glauben’s wohl am Ende:
Das Menschensherz sei ewig unergründlich,
Und wie man auch sich hin und wider wende,
So sei der Christe wie der Heide sündlich.
Das Beste bleibt, wir geben uns die Hände
Und nehmens mit der Lehre nicht empfindlich;
Denn zeigt sich auch ein Dämon, uns versuchend,
So waltet was, gerettet ist die Tugend.
Da quoll dein Herz, da quollen deine Sinnen,
So dass der ganze Mensch entzückt sich regte.
Zum raschen Tanze trugst du sie von hinnen,
Die kaum der Arm und shon der Busen hegte,
Als wolltest du dir selbst sie abgewinnen:
Vervielfacht war, was sich für sir bewegte:
Verstand und Witz und alle Lebensgeister
Und rascher als die andern jener Meister.
Doch Meister Iste hat nun seine Grillen
Und lässt sich nicht befehlen, noch verachten,
Auf einmal ist er da, und ganz im stillen
Erhebt er sich zu allen seinen Prachten;
So steht es nun dem Wandrer ganz zu Willen,
Nicht lechzend mehr am Quell zu übernachten.
Er neight sich hin, er wiee die Schläferin küssen,
Allein er stockt, er fühlt sich weggerissen."